“When we reach …

“When we reach our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.” – Aang in The Legend of Korra.

This blog, if I ever actually end up using it, will basically detail my life and how God is working in an interacting in it. there are multiple points in my life, where this quote has been true for me, and I feel like I should talk about it someday. I think for a first post, sometime In a few days, ill detail my amazing experience at the Georgia Dome at Passion 2013 which took place from Jan 1-4, 2013. Anyway, welcome to my blog!

One thought on ““When we reach …

  1. HI Ryan,

    I’m the author of this article http://ptl2010.com/2012/06/25/struggling-with-fear/ that you left a comment on.

    I want to encourage you to take to heart the Bible verses I put in that article. They are more than verses, they are God’s promises to you Ryan. My words are just words, His words are promises and Truth.

    Continue to pray even if it seems like there is no answer, the answer may well be wait. This is happening to you for a reason, I do not say God caused this…rather He allowed it and will use it for a reason to better you as a Believer.

    I would also encourage you…use this blog and write. Writing is a wonderful outlet and a way to help you deal with things. Writing has helped me even when writing about something not related to my problems. It feels good to do so, and then there is the thought that you may encourage and bless someone else by what you wrote!

    You can if you desire reach me here, inspirationalchristianblogs@yahoo.com ptl2010 is also a wonderful woman of God, she will help you if you ask.

    God bless you and keep you

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